Sous Chef

Full time Hospitality

Job Description (daily duties, special requirements and any relevant experience necessary)

Successful applicants must have the following:

  • At least 2-3 years’ experience and with a bit of fine dining experience will be nice.
  • Ability to work quickly and cleanly
  • The ability to maintain high food standards and have a strong attention to detail when it comes to food quality and consistency
  • Guest to serve will be around 30-50 pax.
  • A passion for food and strong teamwork ethic.
  • Flexibility and willingness to work onsite, and with food and accommodation provided.
  • FIFO set-up may be arranged.

Adequate accomodation can be found in the local area?


How do employee's get to and from the work site i.e. shuttle bus? Cost?

FIFO Option available

How is this position paid?

Hourly Rate